This 4 videos are the collection master piece that is
PASSION OF YOGA VDO 1 – many of your health problems are not just in the body but due to your mind and emotions as well. Here are the tools to awaken your body’s healing powers with yoga. Emphasis on healing many health issues with simple, easy and effective techniques of Yoga postures, breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques target on relieving body aches and pains. People with health problems such as stress, high blood pressure, insomnia, back and neck pain, asthma, gastric problems, constipation etc. greatly benefit from this session Awaken your body’s healing powers, and rejuvenates your mind body and spirit.
PASSION OF YOGA VDO 2- is a gate way to explore the inner world this is a continuation of the first series helping you awaken the dormant powers that are right within you.
PASSION OF YOGA VDO 3- covers techniques of yoga in increasing the level of health and fitness to the highest standards. This series gives you vibrant healthy and extra ordinary energy you deserve to make the most out of life.
POWER OF PRANA – this session makes you dive deep in exploring the amazing techniques of breathing that increases the power of prana- the life force energy.
Passion of Yoga series 2 – is a gate way to explore the inner world this is a continuation of the first series helping you awaken the dormant powers that are right within you. In the session you will explore the amazing techniques of yoga that increases the power of prana- the life force energy. Proper breathing is the primary Fuel for your body mid and spirit. And there is no food nor can supplement do what breathing can do. The length of the life depends on the vitality of the cells. Proper breathing stores greater amounts of oxygen that makes the cells live longer. The breathing not only helps oxygenates the cells, it drains the lymphatics washing toxins and making the blood rich and health. Experience the power of Prana