People are investing so much money and time in material things forgetting to invest a little time to stay healthy and fit, which is the most pre-requisite for a joyful living. Many people exhaust themselves everyday accumulating stress, tension and disease and spent money to pay the medical bills.
Being fit and healthy is very easy! You know need to run 10 kilometers or diet or fast for days. You need simple and effective exercise routine that exercise almost all systems of your body (i.e., cardio vascular, muscle strength & endurance, blood circulation, glandular functions & joint suppleness), a moderate & nutritious food and balanced state of mind. There is none other than YOGASUN to give you all the benefits that you need for a healthy, happier and vibrant life! There is nothing easier & effective for quick results to be healthy & fit than YOGA SUN.
Invest a little time (30 min 2-3 times a week) to stay healthy and fit, which is the most pre-requisite for a joyful living. Being fit and healthy is very easy! Yoga Sun (Surya namaskar) postures are simple and an effective exercise routine that exercise almost all systems of your body i.e., cardio vascular, muscle strength, muscle endurance, blood circulation, glandular functions & joint suppleness. There is none other than YOGASUN to give you all the benefits that you need for a healthy, happier and vibrant life!
Key Features:
** Get instant relief from tension, stiffness and pain.
** Reduce extra body weight to get a better toned body
** achieve and maintain good health in mind, body and spirit
Easy to follow: Step by step picture posture sequence